M5 Stemless Disks

Stainless Steel
30.0 mm DK Disk, 4.0 mm Thick, M5-Threaded Center


KI M5 040 30 M50

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M5 Stemless Disks
Stainless Steel
Order-No.: KI M5 040 30 M50
Price: $131.00
Thread Size: M5
Remark (Us): 0.0 mm
DK: 30.0 mm
A: 0.0 mm
B: 4.0 mm
Thread / Bore Hole: 0.0 mm
Thread size: M5
Weight: 15.7 g
The M Designation in the third-to-last position of the part number denotes that the center hole is threaded to accept the respective thread. Otherwise the center is a bored hole of the dimention shown.
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30.0 mm DK Disk, 4.0 mm Thick, M5-Threaded Center
Compare to:
Zeiss: 602030-0006-000
Renishaw: A-5555-0198
Qmark: Dsk-300

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